Monday, May 9, 2011


I have done a lot of sins, yet God still let me keep the "curse"..I dont know what He wanted me to learn or search for it..yet I still keep received weird by day..I think it related to my "curse" & what I am currently investigating (the king's demon gate) it is true that the obelisk tower that link accurate linked to each other & when all of them are link, the demon sign's really shocked me thou..hard to believe what did I see & understand, but day by day i begin to understand what the "weird" dream told of it to tell me to prepare myself..not for little sissy human daily's about true T.E.S.T from H.I.M to A.L.L M.U.S.L.I.M..the fake propaganda shown by "them" it's to cover up what they up prepare for the "the king" arrival..once the king demon gate is open..we cant stop them, coz it written what we can do is only to fully prepared mksd mmpi ak slame ni adelah utk prepare kn dri ak ckup2..(wlaupn iman ak ni sbsr kuman je & dtmbh dgn dosa2 ak, sgt la hinanye ak ni utk prepare kn dri ak slengkapnye)...mmp trbru ak brape ari lps, ak jmpe 2 org manusia stu wrne biru & stu wrne klabu..dorg ajk ak lwn, tp bile brlwan rpe dorg brtkr seakan2 srigale..tenage dorg sgt la lua biasanye..(kuat ya amat)..yg kler biru trus trkam ak, tp dgn skali libas tgn kri ku yg bru td trcampak..n dgn skali pnumbuk yg klabu tu twas..mmg mngasyikkn, but pe yg ak prasan mse libas si biru 2, tgn kri ak da bkn tgn mnusia, ak lihat kuku tgn ku jd htam n tjam, ........hmm..& sblm mmp lwn ni, ak mmp ak yg ak tgh brg di ruang tamu kt mne tah..tgh lhat sorg prmpuan pkai ala2 gypsy dgn mlut dtutup dgn manik2..tgn knan die pgg kris kcil wrne itam..n kmdian dtg sorg prpmpuan lwn dgn die..ak pn tgk jela dorg fight..smpai stu thap, prmpuan gypsy 2 lock movement gurl yg dtg tu la (dgn kris kt lher gurl 2)..tbe2 gurl 2 ghaib & ckp, "gne kn ni ble saat genting shja"..n die pn klahkn gurl gypsy tu..mne tah ak nk crik ilmu2 cmni..or msenye akn tbe nnt..hope bnde2 ni xmnyelewengkn akidah ak..slagi xbrtntangan dgn ISLAM, akn ku cbe blaja utk "hari yg akn tibe itu"...

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